Fiji Marriott Resort Momi Bay to Double Tree Resort Fiji /Sonasali Area

Ab NOK 437,91 NOK
  • Dauer: 45 Minuten (ca.)
  • Ort: Nadi, Fiji
  • Produkt-Code: MTTFL21110

Fiji Marriott is located in Momi Bay the western of Coral Coast and closer to Cloud breaks and the Malolo Islands. . Approximately 25 minutes (allow extra time  to stop at the shops on you way)

The trip is approximately 30 minutes, allow extra time if you want your driver to stop at the shop so you can buy supplies on the way.

For large Number above 30 please contact us.

Child and Baby Car Safety Seats Available on Request

A Proud 100% Local Indigenous Fijian Family Owned Business.